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Your smile and your oral health depend on your dental care habits. You need good oral hygiene to ensure your teeth and gums stay healthy. But there’s more to it than that. Recent research has shown that there is a connection between your oral health and your overall health. Check out these five dental care tips from your Saratoga dental professional.

Dental Care Tip 1: Brush More Than Once A Day

Good oral hygiene begins with brushing at least twice a day. It’s best if you can brush after eating meals and any snacks. When you brush your teeth, you remove food particles and harmful substances that often cause tooth decay. Make sure to brush your whole mouth, teeth, and tongue. Bacteria like to hide out in your gums and other supporting tooth structures. Good brushing habits help remove it all.

Dental Care Tip 2: Floss and use Mouthwash

Most people have an understanding of how important flossing is for their general dental care. But fewer people use mouthwash often enough. Even though it’s not totally necessary to floss after each meal, just flossing once daily can help protect your teeth. Floss gets into areas that cannot be reached by brushing. These areas are hidden between teeth and at the very back of the mouth. Mouthwash reaches into some of these areas to help remove debris too and it kills harmful bacteria.

Dental Care Tip 3: Use Fluoride

Your tooth enamel’s best friend is fluoride. It helps support the minerals in enamel and it helps fight bacteria that can be harmful to enamel. It’s best to use toothpaste and mouthwash that includes fluoride. If you notice your enamel is already starting to erode, call your Saratoga dental office to ask Dr. Araldi about stronger fluoride treatment options, dental sealants, and tooth polishing.

Dental Care Tip 4: Avoid Foods and Drinks that Are Harmful to your Teeth

Tooth decay is often attributed to a poor diet. Too many times individuals eat too many foods that are high in sugar and harmful carbohydrates. If you want to fully protect your teeth from decay and damage, avoid consuming harmful foods and drinks like tomato-based products, coffee, and sweets. If you cannot fathom giving up coffee and colas, talk to Dr. Araldi about extra dental care to help protect your teeth after eating these types of foods.

Dental Care Tip 5: Keep Your Oral Care Equipment in Good Shape

Rinse your toothbrush well after brushing and store it in an upright position so it can air dry before you use it again. Prevent cross-contamination by making sure other toothbrushes don’t touch one another in the holder. Don’t store toothbrushes in closed containers as it can encourage the growth of bacteria, yeast, and mold. It is also important to know when it’s time to invest in a new toothbrush. Generally, this is every three months. However, if it starts to show signs of excessive use, replace it before three months.

Know When to Schedule a Visit with a Saratoga Dental Professional

While you can do a lot at home to prevent gum disease and tooth decay by observing daily oral hygiene habits, regular visits to your dentist are important too. Routine exams help prevent a lot of symptoms, but if you notice any of these problems, schedule an appointment right away.

  •  If your gums become red, swollen, or tender.
  •  If your gums bleed when you floss or brush.
  •  If you notice your gums pulling away from your teeth.
  •  If your permanent, adult teeth become loose.
  •  New or unusual sensitivity to cold or hot.
  •  If you notice chronic bad breath or a weird taste in your mouth.
  •  If you experience pain when you chew.

Call Dr. Araldi

Is it time for your regular exam? Call us today to schedule a visit with Dr. Araldi and the dental care team at your Saratoga dental office.

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